Bad Parable is a comic strip following Kat the Cat, Bev the Beaver, Yello the Mouse, and their friends. Follow the gang as they navigate queer dating, social media sadness, a global pandemic, and our increasingly dystopian world. Bad Parable is sweet, funny, and at times absurd.
Best Comic Strip — Second Place
College Media Association, 2021
Best Comic Strip — Third Place
College Media Association, 2022
Best Comic Strip — Third Place
College Media Association, 2023
Featured In…
Bad Parable ran in F Newsmagazine from 2020 to 2023. You can read Bad Parable in FNewsMagazine here.
The first ever collection of Bad Parable strips, Bad Parable: the Bad Beginnings, can be purchased here.
Kat, Bev, and Yello make an apperance in the book Just Wanna Trademark for Makers by Elizabeth Townsend Gard and Sidne K. Gard.
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Bad Parable is currently without a home! If interested in serializing Bad Parable in your publication, please reach out to the author at bernard [dot] teddie [at] gmail [dot] com.