Hard Pressed


Hard Pressed (2022) follows the aftermath of Smoking Gun. Murder accusations put P. I. Floyd Brennan on the front cover of the newspaper—as the alleged guilty party. Floyd finds himself torn between protecting himself and protecting the person who killed Matthew Angelhoff and saved his life. When it seems like things can’t get more complex, Flossie Brennan’s night off at a queer bar turns into a run in with Angelhoff’s killer. Brennan is exposed as both Flossie and Floyd to the person she wants to least to do with.

Hard Pressed twists together mystery and noir elements with a cast of queer and gender non conforming characters. You can purchase Hard Pressed here.

Hard Pressed is part of a larger series of works about detective Floyd Brennan. Find out more about Smoking Gun, the comic directly before Hard Pressed here. Find out more about Off the Rails!, a prequel to both Smoking Gun and Hard Pressed, here.